Sunday, March 28, 2010

Christian Scientists

Here is a partial list of leading scientists who were Christian. The argument I want to show is out of these popular scientists, none of them felt as if science contradicted their trust in Christianity.

Godfather of Scientific Field

1. Nicolaus Copernicus - Modern Astronomy

2. Galileo Galilei - Modern Physics & Modern Science

3. René Descartes - Analytic Geometry

4. Robert Boyle - Modern Chemistry

5. Isaac Newton - Calculus, Classical Mechanics

6. Gottfried Leibniz - Calculus

7. Blaise Pascal - Probability

8. Georges Cuvier - Paleontology

9. John Dalton - Modern Atomic Theory, Chemistry

10. Michael Faraday - Electricity Science

11. Nicolas Steno - Modern Geology, Stratigraphy

12. Louis Pasteur - Bacteriology

13. Max Planck - Quantum Mechanics

14. Gregor Mendel - Genetics

Other Popular Scienctists

15. Johannes Kepler

16. Tycho Brahe

17. Pierre Gassendi

18. Marin Mersenne

19. William Harvey

20. William Herschel

21. James Prescott Joule

22. Joseph Priestley

23. André-Marie Ampère

24. James Clerk Maxwell

25. Charles Lyell